Fermor Lodge of Mark Master Masons 1113
The Lodge was opened at 6pm, ably assisted by W.Bro’s Alan Foster and Brian Skinner. Both visiting grand officers, standing in as S.O and J.D.  respectively. Bro. Clifford as J.O. 
The brethren were invited to stand in honour of W.Bro. David John Winder,G.Stwd. Assistant Provincial Grand Master, who sadly past to higher office on the 21st of December 2023. 
V.W. Bro. Maurice Evans, Special Representative, W. Bro. Henry Christian Skyner, W.M. and
W. Bro. George W. McDonald, IPM, P.Prov.G.J.W. (des).
The candidate was admitted in due form, and after selecting a suitable mark, was entrusted with the sign of a Mark Man and duly obligated.
W.Bro. Watkinson P.G.S.D. was invited to occupy the chair of Adoniram for the next part of the ceremony.
The three workman, returning from the quarries, superbly lead by Bro. Steven Payne, submitted their work for inspection.
Bro. Steven Payne. S.D. & Bro. Paul Johnson. Candidate
Bro. Johnson was then entrusted with signs, tokens and words of the degree.
The W.M. returned to the chair of Adoniram and the final “conclusion” was delivered expertly by W.Bro. John Wreyford. P.G.J.D.
Bro. George McDonald proposed for advancement, two brethren, Bro’s Bailey and Jones. Seconded by the W.M. Good times indeed for the future of the Lodge!
The festive board was a jovial occasion with excellent food and good company.
It is a tradition at the February meeting of Fermor Mark Lodge to select a worthy brother to receive -
“The Grand Officers Privilege award”
The recipient was Bro. Steven Payne S.D. Well deserved.
Congratulations Steven.
Words and pictures by Roy Hedges